Listen to the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast

Listen to the latest Irish & Celtic Music Podcast

If you love Celtic music, then welcome to Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. Each week, you'll receive an hour-long award-winning Celtic radio show featuring some of the best independent Irish & Celtic music, and all 100% FREE! It is one of the top music podcasts on iTunes and receives over 10,000 downloads of each show each and every week.

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Did I mention, it was free?

#297: San Patricio Fantasy

Share Irish and Celtic music from Emish, Garry O'Meara, RUNA, The Tea Merchants, The Irish Rovers, Smithfield Fair, Bill Troxler, Pol Mac Adaim, Drunk & Sailor, Rising Gael, Kilrush, O'Craven, Larkin, Screeched Inn, Brothers 3. Shownotes at


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